‘The Busch Family Brewed’ is an MTV show, which premiered on March 5, 2020. The show follows the Busch family, who are the descendants of the co-founder of Anheuser-Busch. The show stars Billy Busch Sr. and his wife Christi, along with their seven children: Billy Jr., Haley, Abbey, Gussie, Grace, Maddie and Peter. The show follows the family during their day-to-day lives in their giant mansion, as they stick to family tradition and break ground on building a new brewery right on their own property. Considering many of the family members are living in the one house, there’s a lot of chaos that ensues! From the kids’ love lives to their relationships with each other and much more, this family has a lot to share with viewers. Click through the gallery to get to know the members of this family, who are basically American royalty!Busch Family Brewed Season 1 Key Art / Gallery