Joshua Jackson Breaks Down Pacey & Joeys First Time In Surprise Kimmy Schmidt Cameo

Not a 'Kimmy Schmidt' fan? Not to worry -- season two's cameos alone will get you obsessed with it. Take Joshua Jackson for instance, who shows up as "Purvis" and totally takes a deep dive into the relationship that was Joey Potter and Pacey Witter. In the eighth episode of season two ofUnbreakable Kimmy Schmidt,

Not a 'Kimmy Schmidt' fan? Not to worry -- season two's cameos alone will get you obsessed with it. Take Joshua Jackson for instance, who shows up as "Purvis" and totally takes a deep dive into the relationship that was Joey Potter and Pacey Witter. In the eighth episode of season two of Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, Kimmy (Ellie Kemper) and her on-again off-again beau, Dong (Ki Hong Lee) are shopping in the Poconos for condoms -- when they are interrupted by the cashier, Purvis... who is actually Joshua Jackson. So, leave it to Kimmy to compare her first time to Pacey and Joey's; let's just say, Josh has a lot to say about the messiness that was that little ski trip.

When Kimmy recognizes “Purvis,” she tells Dong she wanted that night to be like the season one finale when Joey and Dawson finally kiss. “She doesn’t even end up with Dawson!” Josh chimes in — and Kimmy is shocked (“but it’s his creek!”) until Dong fills her in that she actually slept with Pacey at the end of season four.

“It’s not like their thing was all that perfect, either,” Josh starts his rant. “I mean, Pacey and Joey were totally fighting for that entire ski trip because of that blond in the hot tub. And what about that speech that she gave? I mean, what was up with that? ‘This is because you carried my bag off the bus; this is because you taught me how to drive.'”

“I mean, she makes sex sound like some sort of Mcdonaldland gift card you give your dog walker for Christmas,” he said. “I mean, how about, ‘This is because I find you really attractive, Pacey,’ [or] ‘This is because I love your doughy little boy body, and I know it’s gonna tighten up one day!’ Whatever, he got through it.”

I mean, if that isn’t the perfect Joshua Jackson cameo, I don’t know what is. Also, for all your Creek lovers out there like me, let’s make one thing clear: Pacey was not doughy and he totally loved Joey’s speech. Did you?

