EXCLUSIVE! 'Teen Mom' Amber Portwood Did NOT Date Sex Offender Says His Girlfriend! Hollywood Li

Amber, 18, DID go on a date with a guy named Chris, who she met in a Wal-Mart parking lot on the Oct. 5 episode, but its not the guy in the photo above. HollywoodLife.com spoke to Christopers [above] girlfriend, Brenda, who says she watches Teen Mom, and she saw the episode when Amber went

Amber, 18, DID go on a date with a guy named Chris, who she met in a Wal-Mart parking lot on the Oct. 5 episode, but it’s not the guy in the photo above.

HollywoodLife.com spoke to Christoper’s [above] girlfriend, Brenda, who says she watches Teen Mom, and she saw the episode when Amber went to Three Pigs with a guy named Chris, but not her Chris!

“I watched the show, I didn’t even think about it after I watched the episode, because it wasn’t him,” says Brenda. “My boyfriend is a nervous wreck, it’s so upsetting because we know it wasn’t him and now his name is out there everywhere. I’m at home and he’s at work, we haven’t even had a chance to really talk about all of this or read what’s out there.”

Chris, who was charged with a Class-C felony in 2005, which means he had relations with a minor 14 years of age or below, is according to Brenda, a “really good guy.”

“I’ve known him for four years, and he has always been there for me, my four kids, and my grandkids,” she says.

As for who the guy is who actually took Amber out on the date, Brenda has no clue who he is, but she wants the world to know one thing: “That’s not my Chris period. Everyone needs to do better research and critical before they go and assume that they know what they’re talking about.”

— Chloe Melas

