Amanda Bynes 'I'm Not Gonna Do Porn!' Hollywood Life

Amanda Bynes the girl whos never been seen in anything skimpier than a tank top before, has now stripped down, at 23 ,to her bra and panties for Maxim mag. And shes ready to kiss Leonardo DiCaprio in a sexy movie , but she wants you to know shes drawing the line at pornography.

She’s been famous for playing cute high-schoolers, but boy does Amanda Bynes want to change her sweet, good-girl image in one enormous fell swoop — right here, right now!

Amanda Bynes the girl who’s never been seen in anything skimpier than a tank top before, has now stripped down, at 23 ,to her bra and panties for Maxim mag. And she’s ready to kiss Leonardo DiCaprio in a sexy movie , but she wants you to know – she’s drawing the line … at pornography.

She’s got a new movie called Easy A and instead of playing everyone’s best friend, finally in her own words, she says, “I’m super-bitchy.” Now, besides kissing Leo, her next top goal is hosting Saturday Night Live — “It’s a total dream of mine” — hear that, Lorne Michaels?

And if you’re a guy who wants to impress her on Valentine’s Day, don’t even think about flowers or chocolates, says Bynes: “I like jewelry!” Now here’s more of what the who-knew-she-was-so-sexy-girl and former Nickelodeon star told Maxim:

You want to show the world you’re all grown up? I want to show people who I am. My parents were like, “Does this mean you’re gonna do sexy movies now?” I said, “Well, if they’re done the right way, then maybe!” I mean, I’m not gonna do porn, but if it’s a Leonardo DiCaprio movie or whatever…

How old were you when you started acting? Ten. I had taken a class at the Laugh Factory, and producers from All That ( her first Nickelodean show) were in the audience at the graduation show. that’s where it all began.

Yup. It was the funniest script I’ve ever read. My character is like Reese Witherspoon in Election meets Rachel McAdams in Mean Girls. I’m the queen of my high school, and Emma Stone’s character starts to take over my reign. I’m super-bitchy, which is different from other roles I’ve done. I just hope I don’t get typecast.


